Saturday, July 31, 2010

"The Kids Are Alright" - The Parents? Not So Much

Marriage is difficult.  That's the message of this movie.  Both the movie and the performances are outstanding.  Annette Bening, in particular, gives a great performance as a lesbian mom disturbed by the changes in her household after the sperm donor for their 2 children meets the family and her wife (played by Julianne Moore) finds herself inexplicably attracted to him.

My rating:  **** (out of 5)

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Sophisticated Hoodie

Pattern:  Sophisticated Hoodie from Sally Melville's Mother Daughter Knits

Yarn:  Rowan Calmer

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

In Sickness and in Health

In The Unnamed, Tim Farnsworth is a wealthy, happily married, successful New York City attorney who occasionally is compelled, by an illness doctors cannot diagnose, to walk until the point of exhaustion, whereupon he falls asleep wherever he is.  At the end of these episodes, he calls his wife Jane and she always comes to get him, wherever he is.  Until the day she doesn't, when instead of saying, "Where are you?  I'll come to get you," she says merely, "Come home."  The book is about dichotomies, faith vs. nonbelief, committment vs. personal freedom, body vs. mind.  It's a peculiar but satisfying book.

My rating:  **** (out of 5)