Thursday, October 22, 2015

Parc de Bercy

Bill wasn't feeling well today, so I went out on my own to complete my very important yarn shopping.  I also had a salad for lunch at the tea salon affiliated with the yarn shop.

After that, I took a stroll in Parc de Bercy, an attractive park in the southeastern corner of the city.  Even though it is late October, the gardens are still beautiful.

There's a commercial area on the east end of the park filled with restaurants, a movie theater, and clothing stores.  Today they had an art exhibit of magazine covers in the style of the New Yorker if it were the Parisianer.  I've subscribed to the New Yorker for many years and love their cover illustrations.  These French versions were very entertaining and enjoyable.

Sorry I don't have more.  Those of you who are good at reading between the lines have probably picked up on the fact that we're trying to make the most of this trip even though neither one of us is feeling particularly healthy.  And actually, we're very lucky that we're dealing with bad colds rather than a serious illness.  Nevertheless, I keep expecting things to improve any day now.  This period of self pity has now officially ended.

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