Monday, October 24, 2011

Beginning of the Last Week in Paris

We return home a week from today, so are trying to finish up the things on our "To Do" list.  I had seen lots of the grafitti by Invader, but hadn't yet photographed it.  He's been installing tile pictures of characters from "Space Invaders" and other 70's video games in Paris and many other cities throughout the world since the mid 1990's.  He was featured in the movie "Exit Through the Gift Shop."  We came across 2 of his works today.  This one was near the Alésia Métro stop.

We haven't eaten any onion soup yet, so today was the day for that.  We've read that onion soup is targeted toward tourists rather than regular French people, and it's true that it seems to be found in restaurants which offer an English translation of their menus. Nevertheless, we had some for lunch.  It was good, but not as good as the version my daughter-in-law makes.

Yesterday we saw a large model version of a Wallace fountain, so today we looked for an "applied" model.  We found the only remaining one near the Jardin des Plantes.  These fountains formerly had attached cups, but in the 1950's the cups were removed for hygienic reasons.

We've noticed the almond shaped candies below in candy shops, and decided to try them today.  They're from Aix-en-Provence and they're called calissons.  They're a paste of candied fruit (especially melons and oranges) and almonds, topped with a thin layer of royal icing.  They're said to protect you from the plague, so I guess they can be considered preventive medicine.  They're okay, but not addictive.

Today's cheese:  None.

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