Friday, October 21, 2011

Nissim Camondo Museum

Moïse de Camondo was a wealthy banker who lived from 1860 to 1935, but had a fondness for 18th century buildings, art, and furnishing.  He amassed an impressive collection of 18th century furniture and art, and built a large 18th century style house on Rue Monceau to house these treasures.  He had enough sense to forgo an 18th century style bathroom and kitchen.  Those rooms have the early 20th century amenities.

His life contained a series of tragedies.  His marriage failed when his wife ran off with the horse trainer.  His beloved son Nissim, a pilot, died in combat in World War I.  Because his daughter Beatrice had little interest in his collection, he bequeathed it and the house to France as a memorial to Nissim.  Although the family was Jewish, Beatrice thought her French citizenship would protect her and her family from the Nazis and remained in France after the German invasion.  Less than 10 years after Moïse's death, Beatrice, her husband, and her two children were deported to Auschwitz where they died.

Today's Cheeses:  Coulommiers, Maroilles fermier, and Vieux Berger Roquefort

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